Week 5- Keyword Research

A very important part of SEO marketing is preparing a solid list of keywords that fit your niche market.  Keyword research is one of the first steps to earning search results from your content.

Having a list of common words can be utilized in many ways.  Not only is it good to research for what is already out there, but listing out words can spark new ideas for content and be used later for hashtags.  The list of words doesn't need to have a flow, but it could be organized by categories.  

After I created a good sized list of words in the industry, I ended up putting myself into the customer's shoes in order to walk myself through the user's journey.  This gave me insights on where to focus my content structure along with additional words to the list.

I emedietly realized that google word was not the location to create this list.  It was much too hard to stay organized. Making the switch to sheets/excel made things much easier.  I was able to organize the keywords by subjects of matter, bring clear meanings to sight. 

Researching the list is just as important as creating it.  Dive deep into what is already out on the internet, especially with the words or phrases that are directly related. One website to get great insights into the words in the list is with Wordtracker


This list is a constant work in progress. Always refer back when in need of a new idea or just to refresh yourself on your focus.  As you and the business develop, this list will continue to grow. Continue to refer back and update as this list to stay organized and for additional help from the keywords. 


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